Wednesday 23 November 2011

EE- 305, The Post Colonial studies

Assignment Paper: - E.E-305 Post-colonial Literature
Topic                     :-Third chapter of the “Black skin
                                 White Mask”
Student Name      :-Andharia Darshangi k.
Roll No                 : - 01
Semester                :-1
Batch                     :-2011-12

                                                                                         Submitted to,
                                                                                                   Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                                                                   Dept. of English

‘Black skin, White mask’ is Fanon’s book about the mindset of psychology of racism. The book talks about what goes in the mind of blacks and whites under the rule of British people, especially on the black people. It first published in 1952 and Fanon write this book for his doctoral thesis to get degree in psychiatry so it is written for while French psychiatrists and it speaks mainly about Martinique and France in the early 1950s. He says that it is very hard to understand for general or normal people who just read for the shake of enjoyment. The book is divided in to eight chapters.

(1)Black Man and Language: - In this chapter he talks about the white peoples language, if we learn it perfectly then you have washed your brain in their ideas.
(2)The Woman of color and White Man: - Hear, he used woman of color for black Negro woman who wants to be a white woman.
(3)The Man of color and White Woman: - In this chapter he talks about those man who wants to be white and proves their equality with white people.
(4)The so called dependency complex of the Colonized: - He argues against Mannoni’s point of view that people who are black they have to desire to rule, who are oppose it they are not secure. This chapter shows that the stereotypes of happy darkies uppity Negroes and white saviors they all come from the need of white people to feel the power in the society.
(5)The Lived experience of Black Man: - In this chapter he talks about the experience of black man if they are fully educated people but they are black than white. Their blackness comes in between their success. They never have shown as human being.
(6)Black man and psychopathology: - In this he talks about the fear of white man because of black man. Black man viewed as bodies which makes them mind less, violent and as animal beings. All these things because of the word ‘Black’ which had before Europeans set foot in black Africa.
(7)The Black man and Recognition: - In this he talks about different style of white people’s ruling over black people in America and Martinique.
(8)Conclusion: - At last he escape that I doesn’t wants to be a black man not white man but he wants to be a human being. He says that he has only one Right and Duty.
    The Man of Color and the White Woman
                    In the third chapter Fanon talks about the black man who wants to be white and prove to their equality with white people. In this chapter Fanon story of Jean Veneuse who is Negro and who fell in love with white woman. It’s the half readership case of Jean. The Novel by Rene Maran -Apparently an autobiography. We shall endower to understand the case of the black man. The chapter starts with the lines “Out of the Blackest part of my soul, through the zone of hachure’s, surges up this desire to be suddenly white.” This shows the mindset of the black man who suffers a lot because of his blackness. After that the line “I want to be recognized not as black but as white.” The black man wants to recognize through white woman having an affair/relationship with her. He says that who better than the white woman to bring this about? Black man says that by loving me that I am worthy of a white man and I am white man. Why black man thinks like that why they tried to fulfill their white people and they feels that they are equal like white man and they talks about while civilization and worthiness becoming their own. They feels the white culture, while beauty and whiteness of white man as a black people. They feel that superiority complex with other because of whiteness. Many people feel that or believe that how it will be possible even people argue that this anecdote has not been verified black man and white woman. But it is fact and indicates that it is a tension, explicit but it is real. It express as a local soul.
                     Jean Veneus is a Negro; he has lived in Bordeaux for many years, so he is a European. But he is black. This is the crux of the matter, he doesn’t understand his race and white mans don’t understand him. In vacation his friends go at their home but he doesn’t go, so as a result his best friends are his books. Though he was good and intellectual person but fact is that Veneus is black and he is solitary creature. When any woman comes to first with him he says that you are dealing with an old bear. Be careful, my dear. He wants to prove to the others that he is a man, who has to be convinced. It is in the very depths of his soul and complex of Europeans. He says that we shall do our best. That will be approached of white man accepts therefore to give him his sister on one condition: you have nothing in common with a real Negro. You are not black but you are very dark. They consider them authentic ‘Negro’. Negro is the savage whereas the student is civilized. They marry less for love than for the satisfaction of dominating a European woman, spiced with certain taste for arrogant revenge. Here, they have inflected on our people throughout the centuries. They ask that what is trouble to free himself from this urgency. He says that I am a white man. I was born in Europe. My friends were white. There were eight black in the town. France is my religion. I am a European-do you understand? I am not Negro. He says that historically the Negro found guilty of sleeping with white woman was castrated. He says that because of colour of prejudice and class or culture inferior to their own people of colour.

                        At the end of the chapter, Fanon says that Jean is ugly and he is black but what else does he need? He says that contact between two races depends on a constitutional morbidity. We can claim, there would be a black of objectivity in extending Veneuse’s attitude to the man of colour in general.      




  1. Hello Darshangi,
    I have read your assignment and have given some basic ideas about all the chapters in brief. You have discussed well in detail about the first chapter. With the help of it one can gain the good ideas about “The Man of colour and the white woman.”Also you gave the example of Veneuse. It is very suitable to this particular chapter.
    Good Luck….
    Thank You

  2. Hi!!! darshangi, you have very well described the third topic of Black Ski White Mask.As ashvin said that through youre points ,we can easily get the point about the topic.

    Thank You
    Best Luck for Future....
