Wednesday 23 November 2011

E.C.304 E.L.T

Assignment paper:-E.C. 304 E.L.T.
Topic:-Teaching of English: A Plea for practical attitude by
                   R. K. Singh
 Student Name: - Andharia Darshangi K.
 Roll No:-1

                                    Submitted to,
                                                  Devarshi sir,
                                                  Dept. of English,

 Teaching of English: A Plea for practical attitude

Abstract:- English is medium for India and we have to pit  it into our routine life through give it more important wit learners needs and make it very flexible for learners.

                English is our link language and it is also declare as official language by our national leaders, even our constitution is in English rather than in our mother language. English established its roots in our country as a language of national resurgence, political awakening and cultural unification and happily continues to grow as such in its way. English is becoming our medium to grow in the modern era and in the global world. BecauseAA we don’t have our higher education in our mother tongue. Students have to learn it properly and it’s only way to get education for learners. Instructor should be find out that where we fail to give them education in proper way. First they have to know the learners needs. What they wants to learn and in which method. When we analysis needs it includes sex/ gender.
                                                            i.      Need Analysis

                                                        ii.      Sex

                                                     iii.      Age

                                                      iv.      Social Background

                 Through need analysis we can find out their level where they are and where they should be? First we have to studied their present level than go what they desired. Borrow and add something in their current level. Every age has its desire and own demand.
                  Desire level of class 5th boy:-To watch cartoon, Cycling, Story reading.14-15 Age: - Driving and outward appearance.
                  It’s not a matter of convenience that English should be used universally. There is a need to change attitude towards English. English as a neutral Language of communication without identifying it with the UK and teach it in addition to the mother tongue as a means of widening the culture and intellectual horizons of our students. To know other language is experience in personal immediacy the transparences which link from the native speech. Its open our window of success. Learning another language is also good things it makes us bigger it gives us wider vision. Aware of subtleties that we don’t get in one language or in our mother tongue. It develops sensitivity, not only to the process of language but it all about nature and culture of the people. English cannot be the cause for culture insecurity or ethics prejudices in India. English only laws the guise of national unifies and want to tackle Hispanic immigration besides maintaining political. But he says that where do we fail to educate the learners?
           e.g.:- When we were in school we had different words but we don’t use it in our day to day life/conversation/wise investment was not there. Word like- Parting, Session, Cabinet, Deficiency, Bill, Civics and many other words we had in our high school’s syllabus.
                   He make these remarks not` to reflect on language policy or planning but to emphasize the need for adopting more and more practical and accommodating attitudes besides thinking about our needs. He says that growth of the mother tongue or knowledge of our first language it makes better knowledge of our learning knowledge and usage of improve learning of any second language any where and anyone can learn through this. If we want to ensure that our pupils should achieve a basic command of the language, then we must encourage the teaching program which is depend on their needs. Give some teaching activities some task through they can learn their second language and they feels that they are learning something important something useful and to get these both thing adopt a flexible method of teaching through this learners will be improve. These three should be aim of the teacher for their students. Needs based teaching is difficult for the teacher they have to know the level of each student. The teacher must know the ability of students to give them task whi9ch is like revision. And through that task teacher will come to know the current level of the student. They don’t need a theoretical knowledge of the target language but rather an ability to understand or be understood in that language within the context and constraints of the peculiar language using circumstances.
                  If we teach English as a means of communication, we should understand the interaction of communication is meaningful interaction between participants, be it in the means activating 5thier input. This should be help in achieving the second objective that is providing activities from which they know they are learning. We cannot think have teaching activities that are satisfying the students. We have to give them opportunities to use language in intelligent and relevant interaction. The activities must be related to student’s intellectual awareness and their ability. And student should also realize that they are also equally responsible for their learning that is enjoyable and useful for them. We have to motivate them and say that it is possible for you that you can do it. You are able for do this. If we have big class then we can meet them personally and give them tips about the thing which they want from us.
                 At last we can say that grammar is part of language it doesn’t have acceptation without language. And language has unity. Teaching English should be seen as an opportunity to retain something new, something different from others. They will enjoy their new language to put in to day to day conversation.


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