Wednesday 23 November 2011

E.C.302 Research Methodology

       Assignment Paper:-E.C.302 Research Methodology
       Topic:-Vocation of the researcher and Scholar
       Student Name:-Andharia Darshangi K.
       Roll No:-1

                                            Submitted to,
                                                          Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                          Dept. of English

  Vocation of the Scholar & the Researcher

Difference between Scholarship and research

           Research                                          Scholarship
    It is the means                                     it is the end
    It is job of the researcher                   it is habit of the mind
    Or the occupation                               and way of life
    Scientific process                                Creative Art
                      Both are full of knowledge but scholar has both knowledge and wisdom, which is gifted to them. So scholars are more than researcher and only knowledge don’t make us scholar but we have that ability to apply our knowledge into practical life.
         Critic: - Their business is primarily with the literary work itself with the structure, style and content of ideas. So,

                              Critic +Researcher=Scholar

                   Scholars are more than concerned with the facts attending its genesis and subsequent history. They belie that every work of the art must be seen from without as well as from within, they seek to illuminate it from every conceivable angle, to make it as intelligible as possible by the uncovering and applicable of data residing outside itself. Specific piece of literature and interaction of many works that constitutes what is called literary history. Neither criticism nor scholarship occupies an exclusive territory; center of interest as well as racism deter for both is the literary work itself. The inseparability of two disciplines has been well stated by the George Wally who is scholar-critic. He says that it is clear that no critic can afford not to be a scholar. And without scholarship the criticism of a poem may easily become a free fantasia on a non existent theme.
                  Each and every literary work is attended by a host of outside circumstances that once we expose and them, with additional meaning. It’s the product of human beings imagination and intellect, but the fact is that behind the book is a man or woman whose character and experience cannot be overlooked in any effort to establish what the book reality says. Its quality of genetic and psychological factors. No one writes in a vacuum. Their private influence are involved, authors, whether conformation or rebels are products of time and place, their mental set fatefully determined by the socio and cultural environment. To understand the socially derived attitudes, morality, the myths, the assumption, the biases this reflects the book. Because, it is authors private but for the contemporary audience. For example, Shakespeare had written his work related with his society and era not for us means not for next generation.
                   All work have its own significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead writers. Literature preserves for us. Literary research then is devoted for one thing, to the criticism which may or may not take advantage of the proffered information. In 1988-89 the unearthing of the remains of London’s Globe and Rose playhouses, at a moment when historians of the drama were hungry for new information on structure of Elizabethan theatres and minutiae of way in which Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. In 1981, history repeated itself. Important prose items were added to the poets’ works. Many scholars make a practice of keeping major antiquarian bookseller aware of their interests, in case something pertinent to their specialist might turn up on the market. For the researchers they have to keep in mind “why they are writing?” Who are their readers and why they are interested in your writing? As a scholar they have been known about such headline in newspaper, new events, because they are in the scholarly world.
                     They should have to known that what had already done in his field of research and even in others also. They have to avoid plagiarism in their work. If they will known that what had done in his area then he will defiantly know that this research had done by others and I have to do other thing or I have to explore my idea with the others research work. They can complete the other writers research which had been remain incomplete because of his death or his knowledge oh the topic is incomplete any of the reason. They can complete their work and give new view about that research work. Revisions of the literary canon are extending the traditional boundaries of scholarly and critical interest. Women’s studies and black studies have directed attention to numerous authors whose works have invited, until now, only cursory interest if indeed they were known at all. Scope of literary interest, it is certain that, given a fair degree of imagination, originally of approach, solidity of learning and the wish and will to see works of literary art and their creators from new perspective  s everyone called to the profession will discover amply rewarding projects. Most of the literary research has been done academic people and publishing the result of research provides the tradition boost up the profession ladder. A complicated academic situation and an equally complicated relationship between published scholarship and the purpose of higher education.
                      You have to publish any book or articles is pernicious if you are perfect in your work but you have not your own publication then you will be fail. It’s the mentality of present era publish or perish. Dr. Johnson held, “no man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.” If you do so, the history of literary scholarship at its best is populated with amiable blockhead. Scholars may value the creature comforts as highly as do people in any other line of work. But it is their itch to know more and more, not primarily the prospect of enlarged salary checks, that draws them the library after classes are met, their papers graded, their committee meeting attended. Scholar should have come to his or her profession after serving a practical apprenticeship in one or the other of two occupation - (1) Law
                                                              (2) Journalism
                      Practice of law requires a through command of the principles of evidence, knowledge of how to make one’s efficient way through the accumulated ‘Literature’ on the subject and journalism, more specifically the work of the investigative reporter. Both profession, moreover, require organizational skill, the ability to put facts together in a pattern. Ideal researcher must be insatiable readers and love literature for its own shake. Researcher must have a vivid sense of history. They have that ability to cast themselves back into another age. Otherwise, they cannot comprehend the current attitudes or artistic assumptions which guided an author as he or she set pen to paper. They have intellectual curiosity and as a part of literary research violation of the scientific spirit as any analogous error committed in the laboratory. Even despite of technical information and storage, creative imagination all things should be in research.
                     Proverb by H.L. Mencken to the Japanese is “Learning wisdom is a load of books on an ass’s back.” Interpretation, in the light of all the researcher can reveal, of the literature which is our professional concern/researchers concern.

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