Thursday 4 April 2013

Types of Advertising

Name :-Darshangi K. Andharia 
Paper no:- 403 Mass Media
Topic :- Types of Advertising 
Sem :-IV Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University

                      Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or series. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor ad or direct mail or new media such websites and texts messages.

Definition of Advertising

(1)American marketing association has defined advertising as any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, and services by an indentified sponsor.

(2) According to Webster, “advertising is to give public notice or to announce Publicity.”

(3) According to gardner, “advertising is the means of mass selling that has grown up parallel with and has been made necessary to mass production.”

                   Virtually any medium can be used for advertising commercial advertising media can include wall paintings , bill boards , street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards  , radio, cinema and television advents web banners, mobile, telephone screens , shopping cards web popup, skywriting, bus stop benches , human bill boards and forehead advertising, banners attached to or sides of airplanes , musical stage shows , shopping car handles , the openings section of streaming audio and video , posters and the backs of the event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an identified sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.

                                          There are main five types of advertising.

(1) Product oriented
(2) Public service
(3) surrogate advertising
(4) Classified advertising
(5) Institutional advertising

(1)Product oriented:-

                 Most advertising spending is directed towards the promotion of a specific good, service an idea, what we have collectively labeled as organizing product. In most cases the goal of product advertising is to dearly promote a specific product to a targeted audience. Markets can accomplish this in several ways from a low key approach that simply provides basic information about a product to blatant appeals that try to convince customers to purchase a product that may include direct comparison between the marketer’s product and its competitor’s offerings.

               However, sometimes marketers intentionally produce product ad where the target audience can’t reality see a connection to a specific product. Marketers of new products may follow this ‘teaser’ approach in advance of new product introduction to prepare the market for the product. The goal is to create curiosity in the market and interest when the product is launched.

(2) Public Service:

                        In some countries not for profit organizations are permitted to run ad through certain media outlets free of charge. If the message contained in the ad concern an issue viewed as for the “Greater Good” of society, for instances ads directed at social cases, such as teenage smoking, illegal drug use and mental illness may run on television, radio and other media without cost to organization sponsoring the ads
                      It can be design to make the public more aware of a company or to improve the reputation and image of an exiting company depending on the company this can be a form of brand ad,

                      There are many different definition for public service announcement or public service you but the simplified version of PSAS are message in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of raising awareness, changing public attitude and behavior towards a social issues.

(3) Surrogate Advertisement:-

                    Surrogate ad is advertising which embeds a brand or product message in side an advertisement which is ostensibly for another brand or product. For example a cigarette company might issues public service announcements relating to a topic such as lung cancer using the companies’ logo or distinctive brand colors in the ad so that people are exposing to the companies branding without seeing an explicit ad for the companies product. The company would justify the ad by claiming that it’s an example of social responsibility.

                   There are number of reasons for companies to use surrogate ads one of the moat common reasons is to circumvent a ban on direct ad of particular product. Many nations have laws restricting alcohol and tobacco ad for example so companies use surrogate ad to market their products. Techniques used might include advertising another product with the same brand name, sponsoring community events. Issuing public service announcements or sponsoring sports teams. All of these activities technically do not violet the ban on direct ad but they still get customers, family or with the companies branding.

                   Surrogate ad may also be used when companies want to cultivate an image of social responsibility.

(4) Classified Advertising:-

                    Classified ad is a form of ad which is particularly common in newspaper online and other periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge. Ad in a newspaper is typically short as they are charged for by the line. And one newspaper column wide.

                       Publications printing news or other information after have sections of classified ad there are also publication which contained only ad .The ads are grouped into categories or classis such as “for sale telephones”, “Wanted kitchens appliances” and “services plumbing”, hence the term “Classified”.

                     Classified ads are much cheaper than larger display ads used by businesses and are mostly placed by private individuals with single items they wish to sell or buy.

(5)Institutional Advertising:-

                     Institutional ads try to develop a good will for a company rather than to sell a specific product. Its objective is to improve the advertiser’s image reputation and relation with the various groups of the companies deals with. This includes not only end users and distributers but also suppliers, shareholders. Employees and the general public. An institutional ad focuses on the name and prestige of a company institutional advertising is sometimes used by large companies with several divisions to link the divisions in customer’s minds. It is also used to link a companies other products to the reputation of a market leading product.

                          There are some other types of advertising which are given below.

(1)Reminder Ads
(2)Outdoor Ads
(3)Broadcast Ads
(4)Covert Ads
(5)Celebrities Ads

(1)Reminder Advertising:-

                 These ads try to keep the products name before the public. It is useful when the product has achieved market domination. Hear the advertiser may use “soft sell” ad that just mention or to Shaw the name as a reminder. Reminder ads may be thought of as maintains for a product with the leadership position in the market.

(2)Outdoor Ads:-

               It makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. Billboard ads are very popular however it has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passer by.

(3)Broadcast Ads:-
                 Broadcast ad is very popular advertising. Medium that constitutes several branches like television, Radio or the internet. Television ads have been vey popular ever since they were introduced, radio giggles have been very popular advertising medium and have a large impact on the audience.

(4)Covert Ads:-
                         It is a unique kind of ads in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainments and media channels like movies, televisions shows or even sports.

(5)Celebrities Ads:-
                         In modern day consumer is getting immune to the exaggerated claims that in a majority of ads. There exists a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their product.

Conflict between Tradition and Modernity in "The Swamp Dwellers"

Name :-Darshangi K. Andharia 
Paper no:-402 African Literature
Topic :-Conflict between Tradition and Modernity in "The Swamp Dwellers"
Sem :-IV Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University

                       The Swamp Dwellers is a play by Soyinka in which he has portrayed the real picture of two sides that is tradition V/S Modernity. The play is about Yoruba culture in which Makuri and Alu they are living and waiting for their son whose name is Awuchike. Soyinka has presented Yoruba culture which is full of swamp because of food in the village. And they are suffering because of plenty of water and Beggar who comes from Bhukanji and over there they were suffering because of scarcity of water.

                        The play is about struggle between human being and the unfavorable force of the Nature. Use of River, Serpent, Swamp and use of city life these are polar oppositions in the play. From the beginning of the play they are talking about death of his son but clearly mention that really he is dead or not. Swamp is chaotic and they are living in the chaos.

Tradition:- Tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Makuri, Alu and Igwezu are representation of tradition.

Modernity:-Modernity typically refers to a past traditional post medieval, historical period one marked by the money from feudalism toward capitalism, industrialism. Secularization, rationalization, the nation state and its constituent institutions and forms of surveillance. Awuchike and Desala are representation of modernity.

                  Play starts with the description of village which shows traditional side of the play.

“A village in the swamps. Frogs rain and other noises. The scan is a hut on stilts, built on one of the scattered semi-firm island in the swamp. The walls are marsh stakes plaited with hump ropes. Near the left down stage are the baskets he makes from the rushes which are strewn in front of him.”(1 pg of TSD)

                  These all lines show that they are traditional people doing work but which can’t give them food. At some extent tradition is good because you have your own belief and way of looking towards life but not accepting change in life is bad. Too much exaggeration is bad for your life which is shown through the play.

                   Igwezu went into city to earn more in life but he can’t accept the reality of life which is in city. There is starvation for shelter in city, so cold sophisticated life than village so we can say that Igwezu and Awuchike both are suffering because of their acceptance or to much exaggeration of their life.

                   There is Constance struggle or conflict between the old and new ways of life in Africa. There is the dialogue that old and children are living in village. It means that yougs are living in city.

Makuri :-It’s lie all the young man go into the big town to try their hand at making money only some of them remember their Falk and send word once in a while.
Makuri: - The city is a large place .You could live there all your life and never meet half the people in it.

                    Second dialogue shows the reality which lies in city life. In city there is not any feeling in between human being. Even they don’t know each other if they are living near. And this is the harsh reality of city life. You will lose yourself in city. 

                    They are to much traditional people they are believing that river bed it is perfect bridal bed this comes in talk between Makuri and Alu when they were remembering their past.

Alu:-Where the rivers meet there the marriage must begin and the river bed it self is the perfect bridal bed.

                    Thinking to much about past is also rigidity or Very sticky towards traditional belief system.

                    Character of Kadiye and Beggar both are also representation of tradition and modernity. Kadiye who is local priest and he always tries to make himself in a better position. Beggar who is not really a beggar by his nature he is blind but he always ready to do work. He accepts what is reality and tries to struggle for his survival and comes from Bhukanji.

Makuri:-Much damage? Not a grain was saved not one tuber in the soil......and what the food left behind was poisoned by the oil in the swamp water.

                   They are still believes in Kadiye what he says to them he tells to them that he has take vowed to the serpent that I would never shave nor washed until the rains greased to all to gather.

                   When Igwezu comes back from the city with the hope that he will cultivate a farm but when he shows that every thing is ruined by food.

Igwezu:- I have had my feast of welcome. I found it on the farm where the beans and the corns had made an over lasting potage with the mood.

                   When Igwezu talks about Awuchike because Desala leaves him for Awuchike. Igwezu doesn’t earn that much money like Awuchike that is when he talks about him we come to know that because of city life or to much exaggeration destroy family structure.

Igwezu: - I do not know at this moment. I do not know so perhaps it is as well that he comes. Perhaps he can explain, perhaps he...........dark and sour I Shaw its knife saver the ties and the love of kinship and terns brother against brother.

                    When Alu is talking about him she says that perhaps there is something in the place that makes man forgets.
        Igwezu is destroyed by farm and his brother both.

Igwezu: - It was never in my mind the thought that the farm could betray me so totally, that it could drive the final ways into this growing lose of touch.

                    So we can say that both lives are not satisfied. Desala and Awuchike both are not happy. They are dead not physically but spiritually.


How "The White Tiger" satirize Indian culture or the novel as a Dark comedy

Name :-Darshangi K. Andharia 
Paper no:-401 New Literature
Topic :-"The White Tiger" as dark comedy or satirize Indian culture 
Sem :-IV Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University

                  The writer tiger is drafting realistic and graphic picture of some of the most canny truths about India , Adiga has depicted guide , dark and make facts about India , through his words sometimes we laugh at our self but it is his way of writing in which we laugh on the bitter truth of life and our culture.
                   The entire plot of the novel pivots round the protagonist Balram Halwai, a young man wow is barn and brought up in Bihar and writing letter to prime minister and he is describing the dirty picture of village even he is honesty saying that yes I am bad.
                   Very first line of the letter is harsh reality of Indian people, normally its belief that Indian are very poor in English and he stars the letter with the line that

                    Neither you nor I speak English, but there are some things that can he said only in English.

                    How Balram is putting our culture in different way, whenever he is giving any description he will speak only bitter words about culture, society, belief, Indian concept master slave relationship and many other things.

                     Let’s see some part in which Balram is satirizing Indian culture. We have our traditional to do Namaste when we meet any person very first time. Balram is talking about the politics, he says to jiabao when even I see our prime minister and his distinguished sidekicks drive to the airport in black cars and get out and do Namaste’s before you in front of a TV camera and tell you about how moral and saintly India is.

                      In India River Ganga is symbol of purity and it is in our culture that those who wants to whip out their sin they will take bath in river Ganga and will become pious. But how Balram is showing reality that right now what the condition of river Ganga is.

                    That black river am I talking of which is river of death, whose banks are full of rich ,dark, tickly and mud whose grip traps everything that is planted in it, suffocating and chocking and stunning it?................................................................................................................................................................................Every place on the map of India near the ocean is well off, But the river brings darkness to India the black river.

                    How he satirize Indian mentality, we believes that cow and buffalo are helpful for farmer so they give more respect and spend their attention more towards them.
Balram gives vivid picture of the buffalo that always stands import of his house as a member of the family.

     The water buffalo,
                  She was the fattest thing in our family; this was true in every house in the village. All day long, the women fed her were the main thing in their lives. All their hopes were concentrated in her fatness, sir. If she gave enough milk, the women could sell some of it, and there might be a little more money at the end of the day.

              This paragraphs shows poetry also because women feed more to their animals and only buffalo is the only member who is fat enough, and only one who get enough food.

               He also criticizes school system of India and himself also. In India those who can write their name only they also come in literate person. So he says that,

               He can read and write, but doesn’t get what he is read. He is half backed; the country is full of people like him. Entrepreneurs are made from half backed clay.

              Indians longing for whiteness is also comes through his dialogues. And Indians aren’t satisfied what they have in India money. This is shown through his words in below.

            The blackish face bit is still true although I’m of half a mind to try one of those skin whitener creams they’ve launched these days so Indian men can look white as westerners –but the rest , alas, is completely useless. Life in Bangalore is good –rich food, beer, nightclubs, so what can I say! Thin and ‘small’-ha! I am in better shape these days! ‘Fat’ and ‘potbellied’ would be more accurate now.

            Balsam’s description about school system and satire on institution also. They have no time to give name to their children. Even about dirtiness of Indians because of people who are dropping dust and split anywhere.

           “Munna? That’s not a real name.”
            He was right: it just means ‘boys’.
            And your father?
            ‘He is a rickshaw puller, sir. He is getting no time to name me.’
            The teacher turned aside and spat-a jet of red paan splashed the ground of the classroom.

            Teacher gives him name ‘Balram’ which is also symbolic. Teacher asks him, that was the sidekick of the god Krishna. Same things happen in Balram halwai’s life he is driver and only plays according to his master. He can’t think to speak truth when pinky madam’s crime in the court.

           His Description about hard Hanuman is also very satirical. He says that inside the temple, you will find an image of a saffron colored creature, half man half monkey: This is Hanuman, everyone’s favorite god in the darkness. Do you know about Hanuman, sir? He was the faithful servant of the god ram, and we worship him in our temples because he is a shining example of how to serve your masters with absolute fidelity, love and devotion. Understand, now, how hard it is for a man to win his freedom in India.

         Dark satire on supplying of electricity, water and telephones in Laxmangarh.
         Indian village paradise, adequately   supplied with electricity, running water, and working telephones and that the children of my village, raises on a nutrias dief of meat, eggs, vegetables, and lentils will be found. When examined with tape measure and scales, to match up to the United Nations and other organizations whose treaties our prime minister has signed and whose forums he so regularly and pompously attends.

        He is honestly talks about his dishonesty. “I did my job with near total dishonesty, lack of dedication, and insincerity.

       What he dreams from the life is there are two castes-Big bellies and small bellies and two destiny-eat or eaten up. It is Darwinian concept that survival for the fittest and if you can’t do hard work then you will be destroy by other people. It is also concept of haves not.

      Satire on election and socialist. There are the three main diseases of this country, sir:- typhoid , cholera and election fever.

      Do you want good roads, clean water, and good hospitals? Then vote out the great socialist!

      I have seen twelve elections five state, two local – and someone else has voted for me twelve times. I have heard that people in the other India get to vote for themselves – isn't that something?

       I am India’s most faithful votes, and i steel have not seen the inside of the voting booth.

      At the end Adiga has put the fact of slave with the mouth piece of Balram Halwai. He puts his fact very honestly that

      Even if they throw me in jail and have all the other prisoners dip their beaks into me-even if they make me walk the wooden stairs to the hangman’s noose – I will never say i made a mistake that night in Delhi when i slit my master’s throat.

       I will say it was all worthwhile to know, just for a minute, what it means not to be a servant.
      End is also shows darkness of slave and what is their experience to live as a slave.    




Character is destiny,Destiny is character in Hardy' novels

Name :-Darshangi K. Andharia 
Paper no:-405 Thomas Hardy as a novelist
Topic :-Character is Destiny, Destiny is character in Hardy'novels
Sem :-IV Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University

                         Hardy is realistic writer. And his all novels are full of chance and incidents. With the help of that he has created all his novels and his all novels are tragedy. He uses blunt character, impulsive nature, gothic atmosphere, fatalistic view. And his novels are giving visual effects and strong imageries with the help of Nature’s description. He gives theatrical and dramatic image with suspenseful narrative techniques. He also uses irony in his novels.  He uses cosmic irony in his novels. It is mode of philosophical excretions. Its features are like mis- marriages of person, person’s desire and opposite outcome.
                        Reasons for characters tragic fall is there destiny and some times its characters own faults and lapses. Character is equal to destiny and sometimes characters plays their role to destroy or for their tragic end. In Hardy’s work he shows only dark or bad sides of their life that is why he looks like pessimistic writer and works are full of pessimism.
Characters which determine something to do and their destiny is fatalism which makes them fatalists.

Tess of D’Urbervilles

                       In The novel “Tess of D’Urbervilles” how chance and incidents plays their role for Tess’s tragic fall. There are so many reasons for her fall they are like historical process – Alec is the agent of society and symbolic representation of Satan in him. Angel Clare is too much idealist and his attitude which makes her murderer. Tess has innate power to struggle but her actions without thought makes her unable to do and reasons for her fall.
                      What is character is Destiny? Characters are puppets in the hand of destiny and they will come in the net of destiny. While characters are doing something and it creates their destiny it is destiny is character.
                      From the beginning when Prince dies and Tess feels that she is responsible for his death and to clear her mistake she want to do work in D’Urbervilles house. This is chance and incidents which play their role in her life. Then her father’s death is also comes under destiny’s role and she works for her family.
                     She was aware about Alec’s nature though she went in woods with him all alone. Her firmness and give birth to a child these all are her faults. It comes under Destiny is Character.  Second time Alec comes in her life which is destiny’s role in her. If he will not come than she will not goes again at his house.
                     And Angel realizes his mistake later on when Tess becomes murderer of Alec. These all are destiny which creates tragedy. Feeling to guilt that I am impure which her fault her characters lose is. Her letter to Angel Clare sleeps under carpet whish is also coincidence which plays its role that on the wedding night. When she thinks that Angel has understand everything and he accepts her but it was her fate which was not with her and he doesn’t accept her. Sorrow’s death also predestined because he dies and Angel thinks that Tess is single woman.
                   When she went to meet Angel’s parents at their home and overhears his brothers and Mercy chant’s talking about their life and she leave his home without meeting his parents.

The Mayor of Casterbridge

                   In this novel also Hardy has use chance and incidents and accidents also.
                  Novel opens with auction scene in which Henchard sells his wife and daughter in drunkard situation. How can we think or believe that one can sell their family in drunken situation. But it was in his destiny that he always does such things like this but on particular day Newson who is a sailor comes and bought them in 5 pound. This is his destiny which makes or creates his tragic fall the novel. On the other day he realizes that what he has done one day before. Even he tries to find them and this process is worthless. He can’t come across when he was finding them but suddenly after 18 years he meets his wife.
                  In between those 18 years he becomes mayor and when he comes to that Susan is hear in casterbridge he frustrate when reality come across. Even every thing was ok at that time Furmity woman comes in the town and Henchard feels bad because only she was the only one who knows what Henchard has done with his daughter and wife.
                 Trough out the novel we were thinking that Newson is dead but he comes in the middle when Henchard love Elizabeth Jane a lot after knowing that she not his child. Henchard is a man of mood. Which is his character’s or reason for his character’s fall.
                  Relationship with Lucetta and Farfrey which is also improbable but it happens in his novel. And at the end when Elizabeth Jane comes to know about reality that Henchard was her mother’s first husband she tries to care for him but when her marriage with Farfrey she accept the gift given by her father but that bird dies which was given as a gift by her step father.
                   That was predestined by Hardy that when character will accept each other then destiny will come in between. Henchard dies at that time.

The Return of the Native
                  In this novel also he has used effect of chance and incidents to forward his work in beautiful manner. With portraying only dark side of the Nature and how atmosphere makes the effect of menace and through darkness of Heath Hardy has given picture of impulsive nature of the character. What actually they wants and what happens with them because of location of Heath.
                 Eustecia wants glorious life and when Clym arrives into Heath at that time. Eustecia thinks that she will marry with him and go out side the heath but Clym wants to open a school in heath and because of Eustace’s desire which makes the destiny. Thomasin marriage with Wildeve is also the example of destiny plays role in their life.
               They all are living in heath but they can’t understand the nature of heath and they all suffers in the novel. Death happens in heath: - Wildeve, Eustecia and Mrs. Yoebright they die in the novel because of their destiny which can’t give them chance to out or build their own character.

The Well Beloved

              Hardy has presents role of destiny in the life of character. From the beginning of the novel there is the description of Jocelyn’s age .He is 20 and he loves Evise Caro but he leaves her for Marcica and at the end third Evise leaves Jocelyn for Marcica’s son. Destiny gives them pain of suffering. The excessive use of chance/accidents is considered as a flaw from the artistic point of view. It makes plot crossing the limits of probability and possibility. It makes it impossible.
            Such incidents do play a role in every human beings life but real life has happy co-incidents as well.

Friday 2 November 2012

A.K.Singh's View on Translation

Name :-Darshangi Andharia K.
Paper no:-05 Translation Studies 
Topic :-A.K. Singh's View on Translation
Sem :-III Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University

What is translation?
             Translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language which is known as source language and the production in another language, of an equivalent text which is known as target text or translations that communicates the same message. It is, in that sense a bridge that makes the journeys into newer territories of alien literature.
             Avadhesh kumar has discussed about outs nature and strategies, and he has discussed his essay with the experience of Milan Kundera  when The Jock was translated. When he himself has read all those work he felt surprise because in all of the translation some major changes were done by the translator. He says in France, the translator rewrote the novel by ornamental language, in England, the publisher cut out all the reflective passages, eliminated the musicological chapters, changed the order of the parts, recomposed the novel. Through that epigraph he says that translation has often been condemned as an act of violence-parasitic an subservient to creative act. It is second hand product ignited by an already existing work.
             He further discussed about T.S Eliot’s view that language is disconnected from reality. The moment writing commences the disjunction between author “Enters onto his death.” It is the death of empirical author who employs language to express himself. It is the language which speaks not the author, for author fails in mastering the language. In the process of mastering language he ‘surrenders’ himself to language and becomes it servant. Baths here death of ‘Historical’ and implied author as well. In non existence of the implied reader, the text fails in finding a fixed meaning but a “Plurality of meaning and irreducible plurality.” The meaning of the text exists in the system of rules and conventions-not in the text itself as believed for long.
              A.K Singh accept the idea of ‘Decentering’ presumes presence of center before it was disinterred and thus followed reentering which is given by Jaques Derrida.And the moment we are in view of the center, the author creeps in. Thus Derrida at least succeeded in pushing the author to periphery. There is no denying the fact that translation is an act of violence. But creative act too, if examined closely, terms out to be an act of violence, we would try to see that creativity too is an act of violence in the sense criticism is an act of violence.
              There are five stages in the process of creation like
(1)Experiential/perceptional intentions
(2)Systemic/linguistic intentions
(3)Authorial/writer intentions
(4)Textual intentions
(5)Reader intentions
       In the initial stage the creator wrestles with his/her experiences and perceptions. When a situations, event or experience, real an imaginative, factual or factional. But prier to its textual formation the systematic/linguistic intentions clash with experiential intentions. The author surrenders himself to linguistic system in the process of mastering it but the system too does mat remain unaffected when it trams grasses other of intentions. Language is an artificial system and it perpetuates artificiality as may be witnessed in emptiness of the language of social translation.  However incompetent artificial and limited system may be, it is the only articulating device that serves as social and mental ‘Safety valve’ by giving an outlet to surging complication .Nevertheless, as it deals with experiences real and unreal ‘Bitten’ and ‘Beautiful’ it contrast some of the properties of these perilous problem and at times get trapped in itself.
              It is also to be admitted that language/linguistic as a medium of articulation suffers from limitation, incompetence and in adequacies. That is why the linguistic meaning weavers so much. It has failed in coping with demands for newer idiom capable of expressing increasingly complex experience, perception and realities rendered more complicated by every fleeting moment of explosion of new experiences, sicknesses, situations and sensations. The experiential and perceptions intentional are conditioned violently by linguistic system and than by authorial intention and limitations and further by textual intentions. Which constraint authorial intention, its possible interpretation, its form and medium. Thus, the authorial intentions tri to grasp certain experience/experiential intentions with the help of linguistic system, and authorial intentions wrangle with textual intentions. And the ultimate synthetically issue of this continuous yet invisible violence results in a creative work.
            In the last stage text goes through violent processes at the hands of reader –critic it is inconceivable to indulge in critical enterprise without doing some-sort of violence to the work concerned. It is ironical may e even tragic to some that violence and critical acts are inseparable as Barthes called criticism as an ‘Act of Violence.’ Violence is centripetal to critical exercise. As a critic lays his hand on a creative work to criticize or create meaning, there beings a tug of war in intentions particularly between ‘Authorial intentions’ and ‘Reader intentions’ to use archaic physiological terms. It is reader critic who sees the work he wants to see it and the work becomes what this reader critic intends it to be. As the text is ‘Dead’ It’s beauty and ugliness to a good measure depends on the way of viewing it. Thus, creation of a new text outside the text rests on violence –Gentle, invisible and creative violence. This new text  and meaning are created through subtle persuasive violence of the text by competent reader-critic. This reader imposes his intentions on the text and creates his own text which is resisted by textual intentions and at times he may react so violently to the text that he may reject the textual intentions and make his own text absolutely different from the text itself.
           Translation is an extension of creative exercise in the same sense as critical act is extension of creative exercise characterized by almost the same process. Translation is like serving two masters. It is a demanding task as the translator is in continuous quest of proper words. Translation helps in preserving ancient literary and cultural heritage. When translator translates language one translates culture. Thus translation becomes a cross cultural event.
           He ends his essay with question that “Can the author be the ideal translator?” And gives the example of Ravindranath Tagore’s work “Geetanjali” and he says that no author should do wait for other translator for itself in deference period and ages and responded to its emotional and social needs.