Wednesday 23 November 2011

E.C.301 Modernist Literature

Assignment Paper:-E.C 301 Modernist Literature
Topic:-Theme of Absurdity &Comedy of Menace
Name: - Andharia Darshangi K.
Roll No:-1
Semester: - 1

                                   Submitted to,
                                                   Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                   Dept. of English

             Harold Pinter was born in 1930, he is English playwright and director. First he wanted to be poet but than turned to drama. His first play “The Room” was published in 1957.He is known for his comedy of menace. His works are full of unspoken meaning behind in consequential of every day’s talks to induce an atmosphere of menace. Pinter’s most of the plays have single, powerful image. It always set in a single room which threatened by forces or people whose precise intentions neither the characters nor the audience can define. The struggle for survival dominates the action of his all characters and language is used as a weapon not as a way of communication.
                          Martin Esslin says, “Pinter’s dialogue is as tightly perhaps more tightly –controlled than verse.” His dialogues are short but very effective and contradictory and sometimes meaningless.

What is Comedy of Menace?
                    Tragedy with a number of comic elements. It suggests that there are funny elements with frightening or menacing or terror in a vague and undefined way .The characters and audience are unsettled, ill at ease and uncomfortable.
In “The Birthday Party”
                    It is a tragedy with comedy but the effect of the play is tragedy .In whole play we amused by the things which happened one by one and also find our selves in deep terror. Some incidents which are very effective and sometimes we feel uneasy even we are laughing with amusement and this quality of Pinter’s writing makes him famous among the people.
                         In the play two strangers are creating this effect. They always ask some questions to Stanley about his past and his current life. There is fear of unknown in the Stanley’s mind and many other things .Stanley is main vehicle of go deep into comedy through his fear but after that the room is become menace with McCann and Goldberg. Sequence of order “sit down” is create funny effect in the mind of the audience but after that reader feels fear that what will with Stanley after this scene? Stanley do cheating in the game blind man’s buff is funny but terrifying because the audience are aware that much more is at shake than appears on the surface level .Even the title of the play is “The Birthday Party” we feel that it is ones birthday and the party is organized but Stanley says that it is not my birthday this dialogue also create the effect of comic scene and Meg gives him toy drum in the gift is also sounds very funny because Stanley is not child.
                          The nature of the reality is confused ,audience no longer know what is or is not true and from this comes atmosphere of mystery and uncertainly. He doesn’t give background information about the character in it. It means that characters are not fixed as belong to any particular place or time. Stanley has no history and he has no family. Here the nature of reality is confused. The audience feels a sense of at their own laughter. His ability to make an apparently normal and trivial object. He can summon forth an atmosphere of menace from every object and every event.
                          Pinter said that “everything is funny until the horror of human situation rises to the surface! Life is funny because it is based on illusion and self deceptions, like Stanley dream of a word tour as a pianist; because it is built out of pretence .In our present day world everything is uncertain. There is no fixed point; we are surrounded by the unknown. This unknown occurs in my plays. There is a kind of horror about and I think that this horror and absurdity go together.”

Theme of Absurdity :-
                            The Word absurd itself create an effect of absurd in our mind. The birthday is full of disjointed information that defies efforts to distinguish between reality and illusion. All the characters are in somewhere somehow create the absurdity in the play. Stanley is the main character who is in the center of the play we don’t know much about him. Who is he? Which is his past? He has his family? Why two strangers come? Why they take Stanley with them at the end of the play? All this questions remain unanswered at the end of the play. Who are they it remains mystery.
                            The play begins with dialogue between Meg and Petey. They talked about the newspaper and from that suddenly Pinter gives as the party’s scene of rape. This thing from comedy to deep reality of the character shows the absurdity of the party. Some time when Stanley talks about his career as a pianist first he said that “I have played the piano all over the world” then “All over the country” and then with pause he said that “I once gave a concert.” This show the absurdity of his mind. Why he speaks like that, why he wants to prove himself as a famous pianist of the world, why he spoke false sentences to the Meg. All this questions remain unanswered at the end. Even we don’t know that really he was pianist or not. When Meg and Petey talk each other it speaks like rudely. They jus talk each other for getting information. Even when Petey reads the newspaper and she ask questions that what he new about? And many other things. In presence of Stanley and Meg don’t give Petey the cup of tea and snakes; she gives more attention to Stanley which her husband doesn’t like. Meg behaves with Stanley as her child, because both were longing fir child. In the beginning when Lulu knocked the door at that times Stanley hides himself into the kitchen and even when Meg and Petey were talking about the new comers Stanley asks him why you give them this house, is there any requirement? Why they are coming? Who are they and you know that person? These types of questions show Stanley’s fear of stranger.
                            The talk between the Nat, McCann and Stanley in room. Nat and McCann asked him torrent of questions. Why you leave your previous job? Where is your wife? What about your first name? Why you change your name? These questions working a lot and through these type of question they had down the confidence of Stanley. At the of the play, the game of blind man’s buff and in between the scene of rape we don’t know what happen with Lulu. Is the Stanley in fault or any other character we don’t know the reality.
                            In the beginning of the play Meg says that I had organized party for you but Stanley says that “It’s not my birthday.” All these dialogue make play full of absurdity. According to John Russell Brown “Falsehood are important for Pinter’s dialogue not least when they can be detected only by careful reference from one encourage to look for more that is going to be disclosed. This is part of Pinter’s two disappointing this desire. Where human efforts are seen as pointless but compulsory. It potential for comedy and terror has been exploited especially in the theater. Many writers like Beckett, Lonesco, Albee and Stoppard also write their work with the help of theme of absurdity or they are absurd writers.     

E.C.302 Research Methodology

       Assignment Paper:-E.C.302 Research Methodology
       Topic:-Vocation of the researcher and Scholar
       Student Name:-Andharia Darshangi K.
       Roll No:-1

                                            Submitted to,
                                                          Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                          Dept. of English

  Vocation of the Scholar & the Researcher

Difference between Scholarship and research

           Research                                          Scholarship
    It is the means                                     it is the end
    It is job of the researcher                   it is habit of the mind
    Or the occupation                               and way of life
    Scientific process                                Creative Art
                      Both are full of knowledge but scholar has both knowledge and wisdom, which is gifted to them. So scholars are more than researcher and only knowledge don’t make us scholar but we have that ability to apply our knowledge into practical life.
         Critic: - Their business is primarily with the literary work itself with the structure, style and content of ideas. So,

                              Critic +Researcher=Scholar

                   Scholars are more than concerned with the facts attending its genesis and subsequent history. They belie that every work of the art must be seen from without as well as from within, they seek to illuminate it from every conceivable angle, to make it as intelligible as possible by the uncovering and applicable of data residing outside itself. Specific piece of literature and interaction of many works that constitutes what is called literary history. Neither criticism nor scholarship occupies an exclusive territory; center of interest as well as racism deter for both is the literary work itself. The inseparability of two disciplines has been well stated by the George Wally who is scholar-critic. He says that it is clear that no critic can afford not to be a scholar. And without scholarship the criticism of a poem may easily become a free fantasia on a non existent theme.
                  Each and every literary work is attended by a host of outside circumstances that once we expose and them, with additional meaning. It’s the product of human beings imagination and intellect, but the fact is that behind the book is a man or woman whose character and experience cannot be overlooked in any effort to establish what the book reality says. Its quality of genetic and psychological factors. No one writes in a vacuum. Their private influence are involved, authors, whether conformation or rebels are products of time and place, their mental set fatefully determined by the socio and cultural environment. To understand the socially derived attitudes, morality, the myths, the assumption, the biases this reflects the book. Because, it is authors private but for the contemporary audience. For example, Shakespeare had written his work related with his society and era not for us means not for next generation.
                   All work have its own significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead writers. Literature preserves for us. Literary research then is devoted for one thing, to the criticism which may or may not take advantage of the proffered information. In 1988-89 the unearthing of the remains of London’s Globe and Rose playhouses, at a moment when historians of the drama were hungry for new information on structure of Elizabethan theatres and minutiae of way in which Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. In 1981, history repeated itself. Important prose items were added to the poets’ works. Many scholars make a practice of keeping major antiquarian bookseller aware of their interests, in case something pertinent to their specialist might turn up on the market. For the researchers they have to keep in mind “why they are writing?” Who are their readers and why they are interested in your writing? As a scholar they have been known about such headline in newspaper, new events, because they are in the scholarly world.
                     They should have to known that what had already done in his field of research and even in others also. They have to avoid plagiarism in their work. If they will known that what had done in his area then he will defiantly know that this research had done by others and I have to do other thing or I have to explore my idea with the others research work. They can complete the other writers research which had been remain incomplete because of his death or his knowledge oh the topic is incomplete any of the reason. They can complete their work and give new view about that research work. Revisions of the literary canon are extending the traditional boundaries of scholarly and critical interest. Women’s studies and black studies have directed attention to numerous authors whose works have invited, until now, only cursory interest if indeed they were known at all. Scope of literary interest, it is certain that, given a fair degree of imagination, originally of approach, solidity of learning and the wish and will to see works of literary art and their creators from new perspective  s everyone called to the profession will discover amply rewarding projects. Most of the literary research has been done academic people and publishing the result of research provides the tradition boost up the profession ladder. A complicated academic situation and an equally complicated relationship between published scholarship and the purpose of higher education.
                      You have to publish any book or articles is pernicious if you are perfect in your work but you have not your own publication then you will be fail. It’s the mentality of present era publish or perish. Dr. Johnson held, “no man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.” If you do so, the history of literary scholarship at its best is populated with amiable blockhead. Scholars may value the creature comforts as highly as do people in any other line of work. But it is their itch to know more and more, not primarily the prospect of enlarged salary checks, that draws them the library after classes are met, their papers graded, their committee meeting attended. Scholar should have come to his or her profession after serving a practical apprenticeship in one or the other of two occupation - (1) Law
                                                              (2) Journalism
                      Practice of law requires a through command of the principles of evidence, knowledge of how to make one’s efficient way through the accumulated ‘Literature’ on the subject and journalism, more specifically the work of the investigative reporter. Both profession, moreover, require organizational skill, the ability to put facts together in a pattern. Ideal researcher must be insatiable readers and love literature for its own shake. Researcher must have a vivid sense of history. They have that ability to cast themselves back into another age. Otherwise, they cannot comprehend the current attitudes or artistic assumptions which guided an author as he or she set pen to paper. They have intellectual curiosity and as a part of literary research violation of the scientific spirit as any analogous error committed in the laboratory. Even despite of technical information and storage, creative imagination all things should be in research.
                     Proverb by H.L. Mencken to the Japanese is “Learning wisdom is a load of books on an ass’s back.” Interpretation, in the light of all the researcher can reveal, of the literature which is our professional concern/researchers concern.

E.C.303 American Literature

Assignment paper: - E.C.303 American Literature
Topic:-Major Themes in ‘Old Man and the Sea’
Student Name:-Andharia Darshangi K.
 Roll No:-1


                                           Submitted to,
                                                         Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                         Dept. of English 

                               Hemingway was born in 1899, was the second son of Clarence Hemingway, a doctor, and Grace Hall Hemingway, who had been an aspiring opera singer. He wrote poems and artistic for the school newspaper and he also tried to write short story. His works are ‘A farewell To Arms’, ‘In Our Time’ (story collection), ‘The sun also rises’ and ‘The Old Man and the Sea.’ It was first published in 1952 and he got the noble prize for literature in 1954. Even he got Pulitzer Prize for `in1953. He has published so many publication but ‘Old Man and The Sea’ is become popular among the people. In Santiago’s character, Hemingway had finally achieved a character that could face the human condition and survive without fear and do better his work. Hemingway has depicted the relationship of Santiago with other people, which discovered the way of proclaim the power of love in a deeper and wider way then his other works .Hemingway is remembered as one of the great stylistic innovators of modern American Literature.

*  Style of Hemingway
His Novels are using at least one point of view and it is one/single character that is the main and many other characters surrounding that character. Another is no one Narrator, Story goes on or we can `say that third person on or hidden narrator. Through his writing we come to know the puritan society member, their behavior towards Santiago all those things. Setting in the Novella is small fishing village, name Cuba and the sea which runs North, then east of Cuba in Caribbean Sea. Structure is important in this, three days struggle of Santiago against the big Marlin. It is divided into tree part. (1) Go for fishing
        (2)Achieve the great Marlin
       (3)Come back with the carcass of Marlin.
Hemingway has used many symbols throughout the Novella. It is one of his styles of writing. Symbols are Sea, Skiff, Harpoon, Marlin, Lion and Manolin also presented as symbol of love, faith, loyality and luck. Symbols can be defined as a person, place or thing which can represents something more then written words or literal meaning. It shows the hidden part of the characters and their situations in which they are, and suffering of the person.

*  Major Themes in the Novella
1)    Love
2)    Luck v/s Skill
3)    Human condition
4)    Youth & old Age
5)    Christianity

(1)        Love:-
                 In Santiago’s life love plays vital role. His love for Manolin, his wife who is dead, his fishing and all those things. It gives him force for his work better and do perfect things which he takes into the consideration. Even he tries to do so for his relationship with others. Relationship with Manolin, which has endured since his childhood. Santiago thought him to fish and give him the lessons of being self worth which his father failed to give him. He brings food and clothes for Him, His father don’t like that his son lives with unlucky old man but Manolin don’t stop his working. He knows that I will learn something from Santiago which other cannot give him. His love for wife and his friend Pederico is also mentioned very effetely. He had to take down his wife’s portrait because made him feel lonely. After coming from the journey he remembers his promises to give him fish head which show his love fore friend and it also suggest the following of his promise.
                 He also loves the nature or living creature, fish, bird, and all things. In the dialogue of Santiago, he says that “I love but you I will kill you at the end of this day.” This shows his love for fish. He knows his work as a fisherman but there is love in his heart for the fish.

(2)        Luck v/s Skill:-
               Destiny plays vital role in Santiago’s life. Santiago has that power or strength to achieve the goal. He is unlucky because after 84 days he cannot catch any fish so he is dislike by Manolin’s father and fisherman also called him unlucky. Even many people say that he is not enough to do fishing. But he believes that on the other day he will go and catch big fish. But at the end of the story he got Marlin but Sharks comes and they eat her. He had that skill to catch, the way he pulls the fish his calculation about the things but on that his miscalculation becomes his reason of his failure. Through we can say that Santiago has skill but he is unlucky.

(3)        Human condition:-
              Through the character of Santiago, Hemingway has depicted the picture of common man. Santiago shows one dream to catch big fish and for fulfill his dream ha struggle a lot. He knows that from this war only one can survive either Marlin or old man. But he never gives up and works hard for his survival. Even his hands cuts badly, he lose his harpoon when Sharks comes, he become tiered and at that times he clutches his body with line and tries to catch Marlin or conduct the fish. This shows his love for his work or eager to fulfill his dream.
                Without dream no one can survive, everyone have some kind of goal or dream which they have to complete one or another way. And at the and when Marlin is eaten by Sharks at that time, he says himself that “I want to far.” He never repents over his failure to achieve whole fish. So, Santiago teach us lot of thing, how to live? How to accept unsuccess and many other things also.

(4)        Youth and Old Age:-
                      Youth and old age both are opposite condition of life which faces Santiago. Tough, he was old but his heart is young. And many a time when he feels trouble at that time he remembers his youthful days when he was young and does arm wrestling and dream of lion all this things. He also remembers his favorite player Joe DiMaggio who was baseball player and through him Santiago gets inspiration .His friendship with Manolin is also one of the example of youth and old age. Because, he needs his help and even in the middle when he was in the boat, he thinks that little boy is not with me. And the dream of lion on the beaches in the evening and Arm Wrestling when he was young, that was to long like this struggle. These dreams gives him confidence in his work, he knows that at his age he is not able to fight with Sharks that attack his fish but all his dreams represent to him power or strength. It show that thought have no age.

(5)        Christianity:-
                 Santiago is not religious person, but when he goes for fishing on the 85th day, he prays God and chain some thing, even he promise that if he got the fish he will do something or he will over his “Mannat.” This shows that he is very familiar with Roman Catholic saints and prayers. After coming froe the fishing he lies on his bad with his outstretch arm and his bleeding hand, the way he carries the boat mast like a cross all these things gives clear idea about crucifixion in the Novella.


E.C.304 E.L.T

Assignment paper:-E.C. 304 E.L.T.
Topic:-Teaching of English: A Plea for practical attitude by
                   R. K. Singh
 Student Name: - Andharia Darshangi K.
 Roll No:-1

                                    Submitted to,
                                                  Devarshi sir,
                                                  Dept. of English,

 Teaching of English: A Plea for practical attitude

Abstract:- English is medium for India and we have to pit  it into our routine life through give it more important wit learners needs and make it very flexible for learners.

                English is our link language and it is also declare as official language by our national leaders, even our constitution is in English rather than in our mother language. English established its roots in our country as a language of national resurgence, political awakening and cultural unification and happily continues to grow as such in its way. English is becoming our medium to grow in the modern era and in the global world. BecauseAA we don’t have our higher education in our mother tongue. Students have to learn it properly and it’s only way to get education for learners. Instructor should be find out that where we fail to give them education in proper way. First they have to know the learners needs. What they wants to learn and in which method. When we analysis needs it includes sex/ gender.
                                                            i.      Need Analysis

                                                        ii.      Sex

                                                     iii.      Age

                                                      iv.      Social Background

                 Through need analysis we can find out their level where they are and where they should be? First we have to studied their present level than go what they desired. Borrow and add something in their current level. Every age has its desire and own demand.
                  Desire level of class 5th boy:-To watch cartoon, Cycling, Story reading.14-15 Age: - Driving and outward appearance.
                  It’s not a matter of convenience that English should be used universally. There is a need to change attitude towards English. English as a neutral Language of communication without identifying it with the UK and teach it in addition to the mother tongue as a means of widening the culture and intellectual horizons of our students. To know other language is experience in personal immediacy the transparences which link from the native speech. Its open our window of success. Learning another language is also good things it makes us bigger it gives us wider vision. Aware of subtleties that we don’t get in one language or in our mother tongue. It develops sensitivity, not only to the process of language but it all about nature and culture of the people. English cannot be the cause for culture insecurity or ethics prejudices in India. English only laws the guise of national unifies and want to tackle Hispanic immigration besides maintaining political. But he says that where do we fail to educate the learners?
           e.g.:- When we were in school we had different words but we don’t use it in our day to day life/conversation/wise investment was not there. Word like- Parting, Session, Cabinet, Deficiency, Bill, Civics and many other words we had in our high school’s syllabus.
                   He make these remarks not` to reflect on language policy or planning but to emphasize the need for adopting more and more practical and accommodating attitudes besides thinking about our needs. He says that growth of the mother tongue or knowledge of our first language it makes better knowledge of our learning knowledge and usage of improve learning of any second language any where and anyone can learn through this. If we want to ensure that our pupils should achieve a basic command of the language, then we must encourage the teaching program which is depend on their needs. Give some teaching activities some task through they can learn their second language and they feels that they are learning something important something useful and to get these both thing adopt a flexible method of teaching through this learners will be improve. These three should be aim of the teacher for their students. Needs based teaching is difficult for the teacher they have to know the level of each student. The teacher must know the ability of students to give them task whi9ch is like revision. And through that task teacher will come to know the current level of the student. They don’t need a theoretical knowledge of the target language but rather an ability to understand or be understood in that language within the context and constraints of the peculiar language using circumstances.
                  If we teach English as a means of communication, we should understand the interaction of communication is meaningful interaction between participants, be it in the means activating 5thier input. This should be help in achieving the second objective that is providing activities from which they know they are learning. We cannot think have teaching activities that are satisfying the students. We have to give them opportunities to use language in intelligent and relevant interaction. The activities must be related to student’s intellectual awareness and their ability. And student should also realize that they are also equally responsible for their learning that is enjoyable and useful for them. We have to motivate them and say that it is possible for you that you can do it. You are able for do this. If we have big class then we can meet them personally and give them tips about the thing which they want from us.
                 At last we can say that grammar is part of language it doesn’t have acceptation without language. And language has unity. Teaching English should be seen as an opportunity to retain something new, something different from others. They will enjoy their new language to put in to day to day conversation.


EE- 305, The Post Colonial studies

Assignment Paper: - E.E-305 Post-colonial Literature
Topic                     :-Third chapter of the “Black skin
                                 White Mask”
Student Name      :-Andharia Darshangi k.
Roll No                 : - 01
Semester                :-1
Batch                     :-2011-12

                                                                                         Submitted to,
                                                                                                   Dr. Dilip Barad
                                                                                                   Dept. of English

‘Black skin, White mask’ is Fanon’s book about the mindset of psychology of racism. The book talks about what goes in the mind of blacks and whites under the rule of British people, especially on the black people. It first published in 1952 and Fanon write this book for his doctoral thesis to get degree in psychiatry so it is written for while French psychiatrists and it speaks mainly about Martinique and France in the early 1950s. He says that it is very hard to understand for general or normal people who just read for the shake of enjoyment. The book is divided in to eight chapters.

(1)Black Man and Language: - In this chapter he talks about the white peoples language, if we learn it perfectly then you have washed your brain in their ideas.
(2)The Woman of color and White Man: - Hear, he used woman of color for black Negro woman who wants to be a white woman.
(3)The Man of color and White Woman: - In this chapter he talks about those man who wants to be white and proves their equality with white people.
(4)The so called dependency complex of the Colonized: - He argues against Mannoni’s point of view that people who are black they have to desire to rule, who are oppose it they are not secure. This chapter shows that the stereotypes of happy darkies uppity Negroes and white saviors they all come from the need of white people to feel the power in the society.
(5)The Lived experience of Black Man: - In this chapter he talks about the experience of black man if they are fully educated people but they are black than white. Their blackness comes in between their success. They never have shown as human being.
(6)Black man and psychopathology: - In this he talks about the fear of white man because of black man. Black man viewed as bodies which makes them mind less, violent and as animal beings. All these things because of the word ‘Black’ which had before Europeans set foot in black Africa.
(7)The Black man and Recognition: - In this he talks about different style of white people’s ruling over black people in America and Martinique.
(8)Conclusion: - At last he escape that I doesn’t wants to be a black man not white man but he wants to be a human being. He says that he has only one Right and Duty.
    The Man of Color and the White Woman
                    In the third chapter Fanon talks about the black man who wants to be white and prove to their equality with white people. In this chapter Fanon story of Jean Veneuse who is Negro and who fell in love with white woman. It’s the half readership case of Jean. The Novel by Rene Maran -Apparently an autobiography. We shall endower to understand the case of the black man. The chapter starts with the lines “Out of the Blackest part of my soul, through the zone of hachure’s, surges up this desire to be suddenly white.” This shows the mindset of the black man who suffers a lot because of his blackness. After that the line “I want to be recognized not as black but as white.” The black man wants to recognize through white woman having an affair/relationship with her. He says that who better than the white woman to bring this about? Black man says that by loving me that I am worthy of a white man and I am white man. Why black man thinks like that why they tried to fulfill their white people and they feels that they are equal like white man and they talks about while civilization and worthiness becoming their own. They feels the white culture, while beauty and whiteness of white man as a black people. They feel that superiority complex with other because of whiteness. Many people feel that or believe that how it will be possible even people argue that this anecdote has not been verified black man and white woman. But it is fact and indicates that it is a tension, explicit but it is real. It express as a local soul.
                     Jean Veneus is a Negro; he has lived in Bordeaux for many years, so he is a European. But he is black. This is the crux of the matter, he doesn’t understand his race and white mans don’t understand him. In vacation his friends go at their home but he doesn’t go, so as a result his best friends are his books. Though he was good and intellectual person but fact is that Veneus is black and he is solitary creature. When any woman comes to first with him he says that you are dealing with an old bear. Be careful, my dear. He wants to prove to the others that he is a man, who has to be convinced. It is in the very depths of his soul and complex of Europeans. He says that we shall do our best. That will be approached of white man accepts therefore to give him his sister on one condition: you have nothing in common with a real Negro. You are not black but you are very dark. They consider them authentic ‘Negro’. Negro is the savage whereas the student is civilized. They marry less for love than for the satisfaction of dominating a European woman, spiced with certain taste for arrogant revenge. Here, they have inflected on our people throughout the centuries. They ask that what is trouble to free himself from this urgency. He says that I am a white man. I was born in Europe. My friends were white. There were eight black in the town. France is my religion. I am a European-do you understand? I am not Negro. He says that historically the Negro found guilty of sleeping with white woman was castrated. He says that because of colour of prejudice and class or culture inferior to their own people of colour.

                        At the end of the chapter, Fanon says that Jean is ugly and he is black but what else does he need? He says that contact between two races depends on a constitutional morbidity. We can claim, there would be a black of objectivity in extending Veneuse’s attitude to the man of colour in general.