Friday 2 November 2012

Significance of the title" The Purpose"

Name :-Darshangi Andharia K.
Paper no:-04
Topic :-Significance of the title "The Purpose" And Character of Ekalavya
Sem :-III Part:-II

Submitted to,
Dr.Dilip Barad 
Dept. Of English
M.K Bhavnagar University
Significance of the title

              Kailasams interest in the epics was a result of his life long search for greatness in the world of man. ‘The search for greatness in human nature’. ‘Kailasam’s own explanation of the reference.’ The men and women of the Mahabharata are human beings. They have in them the things we ourselves have-love, hate, qualities-through in a much grater proportion. ‘The Purpose’ ,a play in two acts, is about Ekalavya, the great Nishada Youth, whose devotion to his Guru Drona is an absolute as his compassion for poor fawns in his wolf infested forest. Ekalavya’s tragedy comes out of the conflict between these two loyalties of his and the consequent of his “Purpose” He insists on the importance of education in purpose. A whole hearted willingness on the part of the Guru to teach his pupil. What we have in his plays is his small but significant effort to perceive and convey an original pattern of reinterpretation of traditional myths.
The purpose of Dronaacharaya:-
                      In the play he has his own purpose to teach. To teach and to motivate his pupils when they are learning. When Ekalavya comes and said him to teach archery, he wants to teach him but because of his promise he can’t teach him willingly. His promise was that he will teach only Aryan. But in the form of his idol his desire fulfill to teach Ekalavya. He motivate the pupils for e.g Sahdeva:- Gurujee! I cannot use this bow! It is too big for me! I c a nn o t  even lift it! Drona says For, if it is the bow that is too big for you, no one can make that BOW smaller; but if it is YOU that is not big enough and strong enough to lift and use that bow... you can make yourself big enough and strong enough... can you not?
The Purpose of Bheeshma:-
                 Bheeshma wants their grandchildren to learn fast because he wants rest from responsibilities and he wants his children to take their responsibilities because he is tired of body, mind and soul. Bheeshma:- I am tired, Aachaarya, tired of body, mind and soul! I want rest! A long and final rest!
The Purpose of Arjuna:-
                When Arjuna talks to Bheeshma about his purpose behind learn archery is his personal ambition to be the most famous archer of the all time, and Bheeshma felt bad after listening the word personal. He gives him suggestion and Arjuna replies him Perhaps I should have been right if I had said that I want to attain perfection at archery? And Drona also said him that your aim is wrong. Rona:- Your AIM, Paartha, is just this: TO ATTAIN FAME AS AN ARCHER! No more! Every moment you spend at work, your mind is FULLER of thoughts of the DAY WHEN YOU'LL BE ACCLAIM'D AS THE VERY GREATEST ARCHER OF ALL TIMES, than of thoughts of the work itself! Be honest now, and confess that I am right! And Arjuna replies Yes, Gurujee, you are right.
The Purpose of Ekalavya:-
                 His mother’s willingness for her son to make him greatest archer in the world. And his own purpose is to kill all the wolves and make the forest free from them. When Drona said him no he gives him reply like this Do not think of ME sir! For if you only think of me... and my low caste... and my ambition as being above my blood and birth, sir... you may perhaps not want to teach me! BUT THINK OF THE POOR FAWNS, Sir! Think of them... night and day in terror of the wolves! Which sows his aim to learn archery?
The Purpose of The writer:-What is the main purpose behind this is may be make us aware and to give glimpses of the true character of Ekalavya rather than Arjuna. To give importance to nishada. He wants to make each caste equal. if your purpose is good or higher then no one creates barrier or boundaries to your ambition. No castism in the society.
Character of Ekalavya:-
               Kailasam has created very different character of him. He is nishada boy but his ambition is much higher than his caste. When he comes to Drona and put request that will you teach me archery? But he does not teach him because of his caste. He is much faster than Arjuna in learning because when Drona was teaching Arjuna he was making mistakes but Ekalavya was learning consciously.Ekalavya:- CON... CEN... TRA... TION... is it? I must remember that! He speaks!
               Even his love for his Guru shows in his dialogue that I adore him too. His proud for his archery is shown when Arjuna is speaking with him and said him liar. He said If you have a mother let not my fear of making your mother lose her son... embolden you to call me a liar! And his love his devotion shows when he gives thumb to Drona as dakshina for his Guru’s status.

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