Friday 6 April 2012

Cultural Studies

                                                  Name: Darshangi Andharia
                            Paper: E-E-205-B: Cultural Studies
                                     Topic: Cultural Studies
                                            SEM: 2, part 1.
                                          Year: 2011-2012

                                               Submitted to,
                                            Dr.Dilip Barad, 

                                     Bhavnagar University, 

Cultural Studies

A field of academic study that finds its origins in the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies and the work of critics like Raymond Williams, Richard Hoggart and later by Stuart Hall, Tony Bennett and others, cultural Studies is a discipline between disciplines.

What “Cultural” has meant before and now

A word Culture was derived from “Cultura” and “Colere” it means “To Cultivate”. By nineteenth century in Europe it means the habits, customs and tastes of upper classes but now it is the mode of generating meanings and ideas. Through meanings we can understand the things or it gives us idea to understand the society. It gives importance to the popular culture also. Cultural Studies argues that culture is about the meanings community/society generates. It’s not a natural thing it is produced. Culture is interested in the production consumption of culture. It is like class, economy and representation. These three will be with the culture. Who have money they can afford it and it will be the good culture. But those who have no money they will consider as low cultural people or not cultured people. It has five types and four goals. They are,

(1)Cultural Studies transcendent the confines of the particular discipline such a literary criticism or History.

It involves scrutinizing the cultural phenomenon of the text. Cultural studies is not necessarily about ‘Art’ It emphasize that the intellectual promise of cultural studies lies in its attempts to “cut across diverse social and political interests and address many of the struggle within the current scene.” Intellectual works are not limited by there own “Borders” as single texts, historical problems, or disciplines and the critics own personal connections to what is being analyzed may also be described. Henry and others write in their Dalhousie review manifest to that cultural study practitioners are “resisting intellectuals” who see that they do as “As emancipator project” because it erodes the traditional disciplinary divisions in most intuitions of higher education. For students, this sometimes means that a professor might make his or her own political views part of the instruction, which, of course, can lead to problems.

(02)A cultural study is politically engaged:-

Cultural critics se themselves as “oppositional”, not only within their own disciplines but to many of the power structures and society at large, they question inequality within power structures and seek to discover models for restructuring relationship among dominant and “Minority” or “Subaltern” discourage. Because meaning and individual subjectivity are culturally constructed, they can thus be reconstructed.

(03)It denies the separation of “High” and “Low” or Elite and popular culture:-

Some where at an art museum, you might here someone remark that, “I came here to get a little culture.” Being a cultural used to mean being acquainted with “Highbrow” art and intellectual pursuits. But isn’t culture also to be found with a pair of tickets and tickets to a rock concert? But now the team culture include mass culture, whether popular, Falk, or urban. Transgressing of boundaries among disciplines high and low can make cultural studies just pain fun. You can’t neglect the popular culture. Most of time Classic culture will be among 50-60 people. But popular is full of masses, because, it shows our regular day life.

(04)It analyzes not only the cultural work, but also the means of production.

Marxist critics have long recognized the importance of such Paraliterary questions as these: who supports a gives artist? Who published his or her books, and how are these books distributed? Who buys books? For that matter, who is literate and who is not?

All these questions are come out from it. These studies help us recognized that literature does not accurse in a space separate from other concerns of our lives.


  1. Hi Darshangi,
    You have nicely presented views on Cultural Studies contributing with examples. Thank you
